Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last Days in Windhoek

Hello everyone,

I know you just got a long email from me, but I wanted to do one more quick update before leaving the capital. I don't know when I'll have internet next. It may be as little as a week or a bit longer. I need time to figure out transportation to the bigger town near me and other logistics. But I promise as soon as I can I'll let you know what my village is like and how the first days of school went. I also apologize for not sending pictures yet. We have had so little free time during orientation that I haven't been able to organize myself, but again as soon as I can they will be coming and I have lots of good ones.

Tomorrow at 10am a group of six volunteers (including myself) who are all within my region, the Erongo region, will be heading to our sites in the same van dropping off along the way. I am living in a small house of my own which does have electricity and running water so I feel very lucky. My town is called Omajete and I finally know how to pronounce it-- exactly as it reads with a long O but add an accent to the last E. So for those of you who care: O-ma-jet-(accented) e. It is very small and does not even have a proper grocery store so I'll be going into a town about 35 miles away called Omaruru to do my shopping and that's where the internet is! I've heard nothing but nice comments about Omaruru from local Namibians and other volunteers.

The rest of orientation was busy but pretty uneventful. We are all starting to get very nervous about the idea of teaching. Some of the volunteers were teachers in the U.S., but many of us have no idea what we're doing (admitedly we know more now than two weeks ago). Still it's a bit terrifying.

Tonight we're going to have a brai (that's a barbque which I think i've said before) and just relax. I escaped the goat slaughtering ritual which I am so thankful for-- though I know I have some disappointed readers out there. Catch a flight and kill one yourself. There are plenty here. I still have to get my mosquito net and some last minute supplies before heading out. The next time you hear from me I'll be living on my own in the middle of nowhere and will surely have more stories to tell.

Thanks for listening.

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